Physio Cure

Sports injuries​

Sports injuries​

Whether you are an occasional sportsperson or a high international level athlete, we at Physio Cure are ready to help. We can provide treatment for both acute injuries and give advice and treatment/exercise plans for ongoing recurrent issues.

Assessment will include looking at any bio-mechanical issues that may be influencing your problem. All our staff have a keen interest in the treatment of sports injuries and some have had extensive experience in particular with rugby, hockey, football clubs and running groups. Physio Cure specialises in some of the below listed ailments.

Sports-related Injury

Treatments may include electrotherapy, ice, heat, strapping and use of K tape, hands on mobilisation, stretches, and targeted exercise programs to mobilise, stabilise and strengthen.

Man nursing his leg injury
What should a sports physiotherapist do?

Athletes have a clear, but sometimes limited, understanding of the role of the sports physiotherapist. They see the role of the sports physiotherapist as mainly injury focused. In interviews with athletes on the role of the sports physiotherapist, the following four themes emerged:

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Start feeling better today and call Physio Cure on 03 8525 8360, email us at or book online today to get one of our physiotherapists at our Elwood, Elsternwick or Beaumaris clinics to assess you professionally.

What should a sports physiotherapist not do?

Sports Physiotherapy Melbourne

Recover with Sports Physiotherapy in Melbourne

An injury can have a temporary or a permanent effect on the enjoyable participation in your favourite sport. Receiving the right help will benefit the recovery process, and physiotherapy is an important component, along with diet and moderate restraint not to aggravate the injury. Physio Cure provides sports physiotherapy in Melbourne, along with other fields of assisted rehabilitation.

The Benefits Of Sports Injury Physiotherapy

It is often thought sufficient to swallow a few painkillers after a strenuous time on the course or court, but this provides only temporary relief by masking what may be a more severe injury on the way. On the other hand, some injuries are drastic and necessitate medical attention and even surgery. But whatever the extent of the sports injury may be, there are some benefits to physiotherapy:
  • Many sports injuries can be traced to discomfort that has been felt for days or even several months. This discomfort was a warning sign. If it had been heeded and acted upon by a prompt visit to the physio, the more serious injury could have been prevented based on the therapist’s recommendations.
  • After any sports injury, no matter the “seriousness”, it is vital that the body is restored as quickly as possible to full fitness. Regaining fitness ensures that participation in the season is not significantly affected, but also ensures that the whole body maintains the right level of fitness and does not become out of shape due to one part not working anymore.
  • Physiotherapy, along with bio-kinetics, can formulate adjustments in the techniques used in the sport to help compensate for any current or recurring injuries. This is beneficial to the sportsperson who wishes to continue participating in the sport, despite and irrespective of an injury’s effect on their performance.
Physiotherapy Tape

The Techniques Used By Sports Injury Physio in Melbourne

Each type and level of injury requires the correct therapy technique for optimal recovery, which is especially true when dealing with an injury caused by external factors and does not directly affect sports performance. The sports injury physiotherapist may use any of the following techniques based on an assessment of the patient and the desired outcome:
  • Electrotherapy stimulates the body’s nerves, muscles, or tendons to treat chronic pain, musculoskeletal injuries, muscle wasting and nerve pain. The technique also increases blood flow to the treated area, which dramatically aids in recovery. For this reason, electrotherapy is often used to treat tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, jumpers knee and shoulder pain and injuries.
  • Strapping and using K-tape is an option during the recovery phase to get the sportsperson or athlete in the game before complete healing has happened. The purpose of strapping is to support and prevent over-straining the injured body part by restricting movement. This differs from K-tape, which directly affects the affected muscles by encouraging muscle tone and circulation.
  • Hands-on mobilisation stretches and targeted exercise programs are what made physiotherapists famous. Direct manipulation of the injured parts allows the therapist to apply the proper rehabilitation in increments that follows the recovery process.

About Physio Cure

We are a dynamic team offering sports physio in Melbourne to all sportspersons, be they casual tennis players or international gymnasts. Our practices in Elwood, Elsternwick and Beaumaris are equipped for all physiotherapy work relating to sports injuries, as well as other fields of physiotherapy. There are also fully equipped gymnasiums for guided strength and conditioning exercises during the rehabilitation process. Contact us for an appointment to discuss how a sports physiotherapist in Melbourne can help you.


Helping improve chronic musculoskeletal conditions

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How to find us

Physio Cure is conveniently located in Elwood, Elsternwick and Beaumaris. Our contemporary clinics offer modern private physiotherapy treatment rooms, a fully equipped strength and conditioning gym and a bespoke open plan studio for Clinical Pilates at our Elsternwick location.